The production of paper products is a highly intensive energy process. High energy costs have a significant effect on papermaking operations including profitability, future viability, industry advancements and ultimately consumer prices.


The WPC advocates for reliable, predictable, affordable energy resources for its members in a wide variety of ways including:

• Working in a bi-partisan fashion to assure that legislation and administrative rules reflect sound public energy policies.

• Assist papermakers in achieving reductions in the use of electricity and natural gas through aggressive energy conservation and efficiency programs, utilization of renewable and recycled energy resources and strategic leadership in the use of cogeneration (combined heat and power) applications.

• Partners with industrial energy advocacy organizations including the Wisconsin Industrial Energy Group (WIEG), the Wisconsin Cast Metals Association and the Midwest Food Producers Association to intervene on behalf of our industry in utility legislative and regulatory proceedings.

• Advocates for papermakers before state and federal energy bodies such as the WI Public Service Commission, American Transmission Company, Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

• Engages in state and national energy dialogues with the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA), UW-Madison’s Wisconsin Public Utility Institute and a range of NGO’s such as the Citizens’ Utility Board, RENEW Wisconsin, the Customers’ First! Coalition and various environmental and energy advocacy organizations.